Space Policy for Arts and Science Departments, Centers and Institutes
In assigning space to departments, A&S will follow these guidelines. Any assignment or re-assignment of space must take these guidelines into account. Departments in turn should follow these guidelines to the extent possible within the allocation of space made by A&S.
1. When possible, each full-time active officer of instruction should have exclusive use of a faculty office.
2. Emeritus faculty may be permitted to retain exclusive use of their offices for the academic year following retirement, but no longer.
3. Visiting faculty, full-time paid officers of research, and adjunct faculty should have the use of offices, but need not have exclusive use of offices. Emeritus faculty may have use of shared offices.
4. Full-time professorial rank faculty with externally-funded grants or contracts and full-time officers of research with externally-funded grants or contracts should be given research space for the conduct of that research. Research space should be reassigned within the department at the completion of funding. Faculty and officers of research may be permitted to retain their research space for up to one academic year following completion of funded research if the department has space available, but the use of such space will not be taken into consideration for assignment of space by A&S.
5. Departments should have adequate space for common areas that can be used for interaction, both structured and unstructured, and for use by staff and graduate students.
6. No department or officer of the Arts and Sciences may knowingly assign exclusive use of an office to an officer of instruction or to an officer of research who already has exclusive use of an office somewhere else on the Morningside campus or the Manhattanville campus. Directors of centers, institutes and other officers of the university will not have exclusive use of two offices.
7. Departments should periodically undertake comprehensive reassessments of the use of all space assigned to them. Refinements and adjustments should occur on an annual basis within the context of ongoing departmental discussions. Department chairs oversee both the allocation of space and the discussions about the allocation of space.
8. Departments may adopt non-traditional uses of space after discussion and voting. Assignment decisions by A&S will not be affected by such decisions. (For instance, A&S will try to assign enough space for the department to have individual offices for all full-time active officers of instruction even if such officers of instruction use space in some non-traditional fashion.)
March 2017