
Leadership and Administration

The Office of the Executive Vice President supports the academic units, faculty and staff across the Arts and Sciences.  We are engaged in a wide scope of business that includes faculty affairs and staffing, housing, financial planning and budgeting, administrative support, institutional research, development, space planning, and many other areas.  Our directory lists members of our office and the purview of their work.

  • Thomas Boag is the Director of Decanal Affairs in the Division of Natural Sciences in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. He is responsible for managing all administrative priorities, divisional communications, and strategic initiatives in support of the Dean of Natural Sciences. He also facilitates the development of new research funding proposals and scientific collaborations, while also initiating and executing programs to enhance science faculty, facilities, funding, and outreach opportunities.

    Prior to joining the Office of EVP for Arts & Sciences, Tom worked as a research scientist in the Department of Geosciences at Princeton University. He holds a Ph.D. in Earth and Planetary Sciences from Stanford University.

  • As Special Assistant to the Dean and Executive Vice President, Ted Stiffel oversees Arts and Sciences communications and manages special projects and initiatives of the Dean. He previously served as special assistant to the Dean of the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA). Before that he was a speechwriter for the U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security and also led communications for several non-profit organizations and foundations. He is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and Johns Hopkins University.

  • Sarah Cole specializes in British literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, with an emphasis on the modernist period. Areas of interest include war and violence, history and memory, sexuality and the body, and Irish literature of the modernist period. She is the author of three books, Inventing Tomorrow: H. G. Wells and the Twentieth Century (Columbia University Press, 2019), At the Violet Hour: Modernism and Violence in England and Ireland (Oxford University Press, 2012), and Modernism, Male Friendship, and the First World War (Cambridge University Press, 2003), and co-directs the NYNJ Modernism Seminar, a regional scholarly colloquium. She has published articles in journals such as ELHModern Fiction StudiesModernism/Modernity, and PMLA, and has written essays for a variety of edited collections. Professor Cole received a B.A. in English from Williams College and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley.  She is the recipient of a 2014 Guggeinheim Fellowship.

  • Ruben Gonzalez is a Professor of Chemistry at Columbia University. He is a first-generation Cuban-American and the first in his family to attend college. He obtained his B.S. in Chemistry and Biochemistry from Florida International University (FIU), a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI), in 1995 and his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of California at Berkeley in 2000. Ruben next moved to Stanford University, where he conducted postdoctoral research as an American Cancer Society (ACS) Postdoctoral Fellow. At Stanford, Ruben worked on developing methods for visualizing biological processes at the highest level of molecular detail using advanced light microscopies. Using these methods, he began to study how ribosomes, the molecular machines that make all the proteins that keep all cells alive and healthy, execute their functions. 

    Ruben joined the Department of Chemistry at Columbia as an Assistant Professor in 2006 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2012 and Full Professor in 2015. Research in his laboratory involves the ongoing development and application of cutting-edge light microscopy methods for investigating the functions of molecular machines, with a continued emphasis on studying how ribosomes make proteins and the role of this process in human health and disease. 

    Ruben is the author of over 80 scientific publications and holds several US patents. He has chaired or served on the editorial boards of eLife journal and the Journal of Molecular Biology; grant review panels at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the ACS; and on the leadership or program committees of the Biophysical Society, the Protein Society, and the American Chemical Society. Ruben is a lecturer and Chair of Frontiers of Science, Columbia’s Core course in the physical and life sciences. He is also dedicated to promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) in science and academia, including serving as a faculty advisor to Columbia’s Society for Chicanos/Latine and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) student group and as a member of Columbia’s Provost’s Advisory Council for the Enhancement of Faculty Diversity. His research, teaching, and mentorship accomplishments have been recognized with numerous awards, including a Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award in the Biomedical Sciences, an NSF CAREER Award, an ACS Research Scholar Award, a Lenfest Distinguished Columbia Faculty Award, and a Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award.

  • Rose Razaghian is the Dean of Academic Planning and Governance in the Arts and Sciences. Dr. Razaghian works closely with faculty and senior leadership on governance and policy developments; oversees and manages Arts and Sciences’ space and facilities planning; diversity, equity and inclusion efforts and initiatives; data, reporting, and analysis; and faculty housing. Throughout her work and the portfolio she manages, Dr. Razaghian strives to support the university’s core mission of research and teaching. She is committed to robust engagement on planning efforts with faculty, staff and senior administrators across the university; evidence-based decision-making; effective communication; and the principles of diversity and equity.  Dr. Razaghian received her Ph.D. in Political Science with a concentration in Statistics from Columbia University and B.A. in Economics and Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley. She was on the faculty of Yale University’s Political Science Department before returning to her alma mater, where she has held several senior administrative roles in the Arts and Sciences and Columbia College. Dr. Razaghian has been teaching throughout her career, most recently in the Africana Studies Department at Barnard College.

  • Miguel Urquiola is Dean of Social Science and Professor of Economics at Columbia University.  He has chaired Columbia’s Department of Economics and its Committee on the Economics of Education. He is also a member of the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA).

    Outside Columbia, Urquiola is a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and has held appointments at Cornell University, the World Bank, the Bolivian Catholic University, and the Bolivian government.

    Urquiola’s research is on the Economics of Education. Its focus is on understanding how schools and universities compete, and how educational markets differ from other markets economists study. He has written numerous journal articles on these issues, and a book on why American universities excel at   research:  Markets, Minds, and Money.

  • Promotion and Tenure Committee; Faculty Reviews; Faculty Compensation; Trustees Submissions

  • Mia Nowotarski is the Director of Decanal Affairs in the Division of Natural Sciences in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. She is responsible for managing all administrative priorities, divisional communications, strategic initiatives, financial and budgetary concerns, and other projects in support of the Dean of Natural Sciences. She fosters the development of research funding proposals within the Division, while also initiating and executing programs to enhance science faculty, facilities, and funding opportunities.

    Prior to joining us, Mia served as the Graduate Writing Specialist for the University of California, Santa Barbara. She holds a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

    • An Initial reviewer in Concur system, and ARC approver for vouchers/requisitions for A&S departments.
    • P-card approvals required by the Office of EVP Arts and Sciences.
    • A&S Administrator for Paycard Program.
    • Monitoring/Reconciling financial activities on A&S Capital Reserve Program.
    • Serving as a supplemental resource for A&S department administrators and Faculty with the current University procurement policies and protocols as well as A&S EVP policies for processing of financial transactions.  
  • Jessica Lilien is the Director of Decanal Affairs in the Division of the Humanities in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. She is responsible for managing all administrative priorities, divisional communications, strategic initiatives, financial and budgetary concerns, and other projects for the Dean of Humanities.  

  • Jack Reilly is Director of Decanal Affairs for the Division of Social Science in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. He manages strategic initiatives, divisional communications, special projects, budgeting, and administrative programs on behalf of the Dean of Social Science. 

    Before joining the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Jack worked in alumni relations and development at Columbia Engineering. In this role, he managed volunteer boards and supported various alumni programming.

    He holds a Master of Public Administration (MPA) from Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs and a bachelor's degree from Wesleyan University.

  • I oversee research support and IT planning for a selection of A&S departments and institutes in the social sciences, and manage cloud computing environments for ASIT. My goal is to ensure faculty and graduate students have access to the latest and best technology available in order to facilitate their research and teaching.

  • Bruno Bosteels is professor in the Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures with a joint appointment in the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society. He returned to Columbia in 2016, after having taught for thirteen years at Cornell University, for three years at Columbia, and for six years at Harvard University. His research covers a wide range of topics in literature, culture, and politics in modern Latin America as well as contemporary philosophy and political theory. 

    Bosteels is the author of Badiou o el recomienzo del materialismo dialéctico (Palinodia), Alain Badiou: une trajectoire polémique (La Fabrique, translated into German as Alain Badiou: Werdegang eines Streitbaren with Laika), Badiou and Politics (Duke, translated into Spanish as Badiou y lo político with Prometeo Libros), The Actuality of Communism (Verso, translated into German with Laika as Die Aktualität des Kommunismus, into Korean with a new preface by Galmuri as 공산주의의 현실성 : 현실성의 존재론과 실행의 정치, into Serbian with Univerzitet Singidunum as Aktuelnost Komunizmaand into Spanish with Prometeo Libros as La actualidad del comunismo, forthcoming in Japanese with Koshisha), Marx and Freud in Latin America (Verso, Spanish translation as Marx y Freud en América Latina with Akal), El marxismo en América Latina: Nuevos caminos al comunismo (Vicepresidencia del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia), El pensamiento de Oscar del Barco: De Marx a Heidegger (Ariel Pennisi), and La comuna mexicana (Akal-Mexico, 2021; second edition Akal-Spain, 2022; forthcoming in English as The Mexican Commune with Duke University Press). Between 2005 and 2011 Bosteels served as general editor of Diacritics: Review of Contemporary Thought. He is currently preparing three new books, the first a sustained polemical engagement with contemporary post-Heideggerian thought, titled Philosophies of Defeat: The Jargon of Finitude (Verso); the second, a collection of essays on the antiphilosophers Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Lacan, and Žizek in dialogue with Badiou, titled ¿Qué es la antifilosofía? (forthcoming with Prometeo Libros); and the third, a collection of recent and previously unpublished essays forthcoming under the title The State and Insurrection: New Interventions in Latin American Marxist Theory (University of Pittsburgh Press). With Joshua Clover he co-edits the book series "Studies in Literature and Revolution" for Palgrave Macmillan; and with George Ciccariello-Maher the book series "Radical Américas" for Duke University Press. He is also the translator from French to English and/or editor of over half a dozen books by Alain Badiou, among them Theory of the Subject (Continuum/Bloomsbury), Philosophy for Militants (Verso), Rhapsody for the Theatre (Verso), Wittgenstein's Antiphilosophy (Verso), The Age of the Poets and Other Writings on Twentieth-Century Poetry and Prose (Verso), The Adventures of French Philosophy (Verso), Can Politics Be Thought? (Duke), and Badiou by Badiou (Stanford). He recently translated the Argentine philosopher León Rozitchner's Freud and the Limits of Bourgeois Individualism (Brill) and is finishing the translation of Alain Badiou's Nietzsche (Columbia University Press).

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